Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is jealousy?

Read article What is jealousy? on Meditationguru blog. As the title says this article describes the reasons behind the feeling of jealousy. It also shows some quick remedies on stopping your mind from jealousy. Comparison and ambitions is at the root of jealousy. Jealousy means you are not satisfied with who you are and what you have got. MG further says that if you light the fire of love in your heart then your mind will stop feeling jealous. When the mind is occupied with jealous thoughts then you will loose self respect and get infected with inferiority complex. You must read this article to know the subtle ways of jealousy and how to get free from this disease. Because jealousy can also manifest on physical level and create illness and physical disorder.
Read more:What is jealousy?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to die peacefully

How to die peacefully , visit this page to know the secret of dying peacefully and even happily. Every moment we are dying and death is the only certain thing in our life. All our life is nothing but preparation to face death. It is the most important thing in our life. We must know how to welcome it when the time comes.

Ignorance of the process of death is the root of fear. Once we know exactly what is death we automatically know how to face it. "How to die peacefully" is the post which explain in depth about what is death and how to face it fearlessly. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

How to feel special

You are special, you are unique and you are different! Remember this, keep this always in the mind that you are a creation of life, you are creation of god. And that's the reason you are so special.

But most of us forget this and copy successful people or celebrates. Nature has made us unique and we try our best to become a copycat. Never become a copy cat or follower. This is the first rule to feel that you are special.

Do the things which you love and are passionate about. Don't bother about public opinions and criticism. There is no need to follow the rules of society. Go with your dream and your passion with love and universe will support you in strange ways.

If you step out of your comfort zone and dare to do things which normally people feel afraid to do then you will feel special and you will feel proud of yourself.

Affirmations and self suggestions works like a miracle. So always keep reminding yourself that you are special, you are genius, you are unique. You are the best. Remember what Buddha has said: What you think, you become.

Keep away yourself from the rat race of common people, go inside, and find your dream. Find out what you really want to achieve and what exactly you want to become. Going after your vision is the short cut to become a special and unique man. Make a list of your skills, your unique abilities and improve them. Then every milestone in your journey will make you feel like you are special and unique.

How to feel loved

Most of us want to feel loved. We want to get love, attention, affection from others but we do not see if we are giving love and attention to others. Universe is like an echo. What goes round comes around. If you send love you will receive love. If you don't feel loved then start this process from yourself. Give love. Open your heart.

Love is a state. And you should be rooted into this state to receive love. And the process starts with giving love. This has to be understood.

How to feel love?

In the beginning just imagine that you are a pool of love. You are the center, you are light of love. Just imagine this. And send love to others. While walking on the road send love towards trees and people and animals and sky. In the beginning this will be just imagination but very soon you will realize that people could sense this vibes of love. They will react to you in a different way. People will attract to you. In few days you will have many friends. And You will also notice that people are in general cooperating you.

Keep this feeling of love and kindness with you. If people don't love you then you love them and they will transform. Love is like fire. If you light this fire within you, very soon everyone around you will catch this fire.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Subconcious mind and its effects on your life

The mind has layers like conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Now we don't want to go into technical details. This blog is about instant change and instant mind power. It about using knowledge.

Subconscious mind is govern by beliefs and if you carry negative beliefs it will affect negatively your life. You can program your subconscious mind to feel positive and confident all the time. Affirmations and hypnosis are great tools to program your mind.

If you are living unconsciously then you will easily become a victim of negative thinking, beliefs and even diseases. Now scientist believe that almost all diseases are psychosomatic. Placebo medicine can influence your improvement just because of your unconscious faith and beliefs. Faith healing is nothing but subconscious belief.

In this article simply know that whatever you think again and again program your subconscious mind so remain alert and watch your thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking negative then just stop and focus your mind on positive things. Teach your mind to remain alert and focus on positive things.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to have a healthy body

Having a healthy and fit body is not difficult once you know the power of your mind. Yes, this article is not about diet but about your mind. Your body is a 3D picture of your mind. If your mind filled with unhealthy thought then your body will become unhealthy but if you think healthy thoughts you will have a healthy body.

Body and mind are connected deeply. And your thought affect your body. So if you want a healthy body watch your thoughts and train your mind to think healthy thoughts.

You can also use affirmations to make yourself more healthy and fit. Choose any 5 affirmations and repeat them regularly.

1) Every day in every way I'm getting better, better and better.
2) Negative thoughts and suggestions have no influence over me at any level of mind
3) I'm happy, healthy and whole
4) I'll always maintain healthy body and mind

Everyday just for few minutes close your eyes and imagine yourself as healthy as you wish. Feel you are healthy and see yourself with your ideal weight and shape. This will create a clear mental picture and very soon you will find your are getting your ideal body mass and shape.

Meditate regularly even for 15 minutes. It will revitalize you and give you energy and peace. Anxiety, panic and fear has great negative effect on body. To getting free from all these negative emotions meditation is the best way.

What is courage?

The real courage is to BE YOURSELF!
It needs real courage to be yourself and to do your things. The courageous person never bother about public opinion. To be courageous you have to KNOW YOURSELF. If you don't know yourself then you will always tremble with fear and anxiety. You will look into the eyes of other whether you are right or wrong. You will find some authority or guru who will tell you what is right and what is wrong.

The real courage comes with the understanding of life. It comes when you know that there is death and you never get attached to outward things. Fear comes when there is attachment. Constant remembrance and acceptance of death gives highest level of courage.

A man living with truth is naturally courageous. Only weak people need to lie. And the truth is in the present moment. To become extremely courageous you must understand fear deeply. What is fear but imagination. It is about past or future. This moment you are not afraid but the moment you think what will happen tomorrow there is fear. Means fear is thought of tomorrow. So live in the present moment if you want to live without fear. When you understand fear there is courage. You don't need to fight fear you just need to understand what is fear, that's all. This understanding will give you tremendous courage.

More resources to develop unshakable courage and confidence:

Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously

Unstoppable Confidence: How to Use the Power of NLP to Be More Dynamic and Successful

What's Holding You Back?: 30 Days to Having the Courage and Confidence to Do What You Want, Meet Whom You Want, and Go Where You Want

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dealing with depression

Dealing with depression is possible without medication. Yes, do not treat depression as a biological disorder. Find it's root cause. Why there is depression. The cause of the depression may be rejection or not getting what you want. There are lots of quick fixes for eliminating depression but once you know the root cause then it is more easier to deal with depression

Second thing change your mood. Go to movies or call your friends. It is natural to become introvert while you are depressed but go into the opposite direction. Meet people, go for the shopping, watch TV, go for long walk.

Depression simply means you lost hope. So restore hope. Remember, "This shall too pass". Find a way to restore hope.

It is lot more easier to avoid depression in the first place than to get depressed and then find a way out. So develop a lifestyle in which there is no possibility of depression. This kind of life style includes daily exercise, meditation and positive thinking.

Always guard your thoughts and see what they are creating. This is the best way to eliminate depression at the level of thought before it manifest into reality.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

5 ways to become happy!

Happiness is natural and YOU deserve to be happy!

It is possible to feel happy for without any reason. You can access the feeling of happiness even in the middle of chaos.

To know happiness first you understand what is it's opposite feeling, that is unhappiness. Unhappiness is always about unfulfilled expectations and broken dreams. If you don't expect too much then it is very easy to become happy. Happiness is not imagination but it is reality. As you connect with the present moment there is peace happiness and love ALWAYS waiting for you. But man always live in dreams and goals. It is ok to set goals in your life but it is more important to live in the present moment. Don't go for temporary fixes because they can help you feel good only for few moments and end up with feeling really bad. Smoking or drinking can give you temporary relief but end up in feeling guilt or health problems.

There are NOT only 5 ways to feel happy but there are unlimited healthy ways to feel happy instantly.
  • You can give a call to your best friend
  • You can go for a long walk
  • Watch TV
  • Go for shopping
  • Play your favorite game
  • Play with your children
  • Make a list of you goals
  • Imagine your best moments in the past
  • Do exercise
  • Meditate
  • Read a book
  • Browsing internet
  • Cooking your favorite food
  • Wash your cloths
  • Clean your rooms and toilet
  • Just walk in the streets
  • Go for long drive
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Approach new people and make new friends (There are millions of interesting people out there)
  • Learn a new skill (there is no limitation to learning)
...and much much more. Use your creativity!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to reach any goal in 3 steps!

Achieving your goals is not much difficult if you have a burning desire, then half work is already done. Next you need to imagine and visualize your ideal goal as if it is already manifested in your life and third is to accept your goal when it comes true
  • Burning desire: A burning desire is like the dream of your heart, most cherished dream. Once you have a burning desire for a goal then you can do anything to achieve it. The burning desire keeps paddling you. Then you never get frustrated over small failures. The you can do thousands of experiments to achieve your goal without getting tired.
  • Visualization: As soon as a desire arise in your mind you can't believe that you can achieve this dream. Here comes the second tool and that is imagination or visualization. A picture is more stronger than any thought or affirmation. If you could imagine it you can certainly achieve it. This is the rule. Remember, if you could picture IT in your mind then you can have IT! As you start visualizing your goal in your mind your mind starts to believe in your goal. And belief in you goal helps you to achieve your goal. Like attracts like. Images in your mind works like a powerful magnet. If you are constantly focused on a goal then it must come true. Your thoughts and imagination has a magnetic power. Imagination will make a way where there is no way.
  • Accept your goal: When you imagine and visualize your goal then be alert for opportunities. Because Goals come to you as disguised opportunities. You should recognize them and accept them.
Some important tips to achieve your goals QUICKLY:
  • Make a goal book
  • Always write your goals: Written goals are messages to your unconscious mind
  • Cut pictures from magazines and paste in your goal book.
  • Make a slide show of your goals on your computer with positive affirmations and watch it at least 3 times in a week.
  • Imagine regularly as if you have achieve your goal
  • Always tell your mind you deserve your goals
  • Stay in the present, and enjoy every moment
  • Love, because hatred block you from abundance
  • Forgive so that you can release energy which your unconscious mind can use to attract your goals more quickly
  • Write down your negative beliefs which may block or slow down the speed of achieving your goals and covert them into positive statements and affirmations and keep them with you. Read them aloud everyday.

Friday, May 6, 2011

How to overcome approach anxiety in 3 steps

Many people suffering from approach anxiety now days. It is just because of wrong belief system. It is unconscious programming of your brain and it can be cure very easily. There are millions of beautiful women out there but you can not approach them. Right? This is called approach anxiety. You see a beautiful women on the road, you want to say hello but you can not. OK? But after reading this post YOU CAN!
There are three steps:
  • Understand women: Understand that women are not much different than you. They are exactly like you. 99% you are same. Same blood, bones, hair, flesh, slightly difference in color, language but same pain and pleasure, desires and dreams. Really you are not different. And they are much like you. They also want someone to approach them. They also want fun and pleasure. There is difference in few organs only. But they also have the same emotions.
  • Observe women: I recommend you just go for walk everyday in the local market and malls and observe women. Just observe! You don't need to approach them, just watch. Observe, what is a woman? Just watch. Watch as many women as you can. This watching will automatically remove your fear of woman. I don't know if you know about the Law of Attraction but it says anything you focus on attracts towards you. Here you are not trying to attract her but just focusing without any intention. More you observe more you will feel relax and fearless about woman. As you observe regularly more and more beautiful girls you will loose fear. You will become aware that there is abundance of women. And they are also lonely and they also want more and more friends. They are also suffering through bad relationships and breakups. You will observe that beautiful women also carrying inferiority complex perhaps about money or education. Once your mind get clear about simple facts about women you will naturally feel confident. 
  • Approach women: In the beginning approach sales girls. They are ready to talk with you. They are there to help you, to entertain you. Go in every mall and talk with as many sales girls as you can and this will reduce your fear of women significantly. You will naturally begin to treat women as your friends. Then you will have a natural body language and voice tone with women. This will create new neurological path ways in your brain to deal with women. And your mind will get programmed how to behave naturally and confidently with women.
How to have even more confidence with women?
If you are living in a metro city then I recommend you to find some Discotheques, Pubs, Singles Bars, Dance Bars and visit there for some days regularly. You will find there most beautiful and stunning women. And you don't need to approach them, THEY will approach you! This will make you feel special.

My friend Bunty told me, "First time In Mumbai I went in a Dance Bars and three stunning and beautiful girls dance in front of me just for few bucks. They were 100 times more attractive then my previous girl friends. This event changed my perspective about getting hottest women in short time easily and safely in few bucks without any emotional turmoil. This new perspective helps me now when I meet a new girl on the street or malls."

If you are crushed on a woman and not able to approach her then forget her and move into the market. Don't waste your time. Time is more valuable than money and that special girl who don't want to talk to you. There are millions of special girls who wants a boyfriend. Find them. Meet them. Enjoy life.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

6 Ways to get over a breakup instantly

Every relationship has stages of growth and ending. You can not stop it. It is a natural process. Remain alert, in what phase you are moving through in the present moment and plan for the future. Once a person lost interest in you, you can not hold him/her for long time. It will only increase complications. You should realize a breakup at least 6 months before it happen and be prepare for it.
In fact I realize a breakup the moment I make a new relation. Because it is bound to die some day. And I'm prepared from the very first day. Every human being is selfish and cunning. Somebody is going to dump you for no reason at all or they may find a better option than you and you will get dumped. Nothing is wrong.
  1. Realize the end: As soon as there is a break up you don't have time to worry and crying. It is a wrong track. Realize breakup is like a death and there is no way back. The more quickly you realize this more quickly you are OUT! Many people waste years in crying and worrying and analyzing about want went wrong.
  2. Move on!: There are millions of options out there. There are beautiful, attractive, intelligent, creative, wealthy and all types of people available out there.
  3. What you learned?: Instead of endless worry and analysis just ask yourself what you learned from the previous relationship. Take the lesson and forget the person or at least forgive the person. Forgiveness is very important. Never waste your time in revengeful thoughts. It may harm yourself. Use that time to get new friends.
  4. Have endless options!: If you have 10 friends you will never worry if 1 friend breakup friendship with you. So always make new friends. Never focus on only one friend. Keep finding and making new friends. Have 100's of friends. Give little time to everyone instead of focusing only on one friend. If you have many friend then all of them will chase you to get your time. And you will never have any breakup. All the time you will be busy making new friends.
  5. Have a life: Have personal life, hobbies and a regular routine. If you exercise regularly then at least for half and hour your mind will get distract from bad feelings which may caused because of breakups. If you like reading, playing football, or traveling then this can distract you from negative emotions.
  6. Meditate: To become successful in any relationship you must learn to detach yourself from bad feelings, negative emotions, frustration, depression and emotional dependence. This is possible only through meditation. If you seat regularly for half and hour in meditation then 95% problems in your life will simply get dissolved. Believe me, if you want to become a successful seducer then you need meditation more than anything. Only meditation can help you to overcome breakups more easily and quickly.
Bonus Tip:
Keep improving you, make yourself better and better in every possible way. Your previous partners should feel jealous and realize their mistake for dumping you. Work on being popular, making more money, becoming more attractive. Exercise regularly, make six pack abs. Stay with current fashion. Make 100's of new friends. Become popular on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines (if not then at least on the internet!).
And the most important thing is: Stay Happy for no reason at all. Happiness SUCKS! It hurts when you feel happy and move on. Your partner will get irritate and angered, he/she will loose his/her mental balance if you live happily.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

There is NO Soul mate

There is no soul mate. Soul mate is a wrong concept installed by so called foolish romantic novel writers, who never get laid. Their soul mates are sleeping with their friends while they are writing novels. Beware of the false concepts and beliefs. You will never come across a right person in your life. You may travel all over the world but there is no Mr. Right or Mrs. Right for you. Every person is attractive or intelligent in some way. Someone can give you romantic feeling, another person may give you deep emotional support, and another one can give you sexual fulfillment. But no one can give you total satisfaction. That's the basic reasons of breakups. And many people compromise. They make themselves satisfied superficially but deep down there is carving.

Many times you come to conclusion that this is the right person for you, and that person has zero interest in you. Then your life becomes miserable and unhappy. Focusing on a person who has no interest in you leads you towards madness. If you want to become successful in seduction then first of all wipe up this wrong concept from your mind completely.

Everyone is unique in some way.
If you look carefully then you will find every person is interesting in some way. There are many many people on this planet who can become your potential lovers. So don't focus on a single person. As people are getting more and more matured the concept of marriage, love and living in relationships will disappear from the world. Be prepared. How long you can remain happy with a single person. If you find someone with whom you can live happily forever then perhaps you are lucky. But this is a very rare phenomenon. Almost impossible!

Antidote for soul mate concept: 
  • Every human being is unique in some way, god has created us in different ways
  • Have options, more options more power
  • You can have MANY SOUL MATES ...!
  • Keep changing the channels until you find the right channel for you (but then also you will get fade up after some time, then again change the channel)
  • More variety, more fun, more maturity
  • Find many friends who can fulfill your every aspect (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual etc.)
  • You must have at least 5 options before you breakup with your soul mate
  • Your soul mate can find another soul mate so be prepared!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why you should avoid negative people

Negative people suck your energy. You will feel as if they are sucking your energy and creativity. People who keep on criticizing others are victim of inferiority complex and low self esteem. If this kind of person is always around you and making negative comments on you then slowly slowly your mind will accept these negative suggestions.

Your subconscious mind does not know what is right and what is wrong. It does not have any filter. If you keep repeating same idea over and over then your mind will accept it. And these negative people always giving negative opinions and suggestions to you will cause great damage to your self esteem. Once the mind accept negative suggestions and get programmed then it becomes very difficult to get free from this programming. It is like virus infection.

Some people are so negative that even their presence can be harmful for you. If someone deeply expect negative results regarding you than there is every possibility that it can manifest. There negative energy can change the course of your life in destructive direction.

If you are having any person in your group then he will corrupt the whole group. So beware. Don't have a mercy. Make safe distance. Don't have this kind of friend around you just because you are lonely. Find better options to entertain yourself.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dealing with rejection

Did you ever get rejected in life, in relationship or in job? How do you feel? Do you feel that you don't deserve? Do you feel bad, frustrated or depressed? Well, you feel bad after rejection simply because you don't know how to handle rejection. Right?

Two different people can respond the same rejection in different ways. One can feel sad and other can move on.

If you get rejected then first thing never doubt about your abilities. Perhaps the person who rejected you have not good choice or taste. People can misunderstand your abilities or talents. Because they are viewing you from their limited view or perspective.

Find other options. Rejection can make you feel like helpless, but in reality nobody is so helpless that he could not find any option. There are many option for jobs, relationships and any area of life. Go and find them.

Rejection should never affect your self esteem and confidence. Often you will find the most successful people are those who were most rejected people.

Use rejection to increase your self esteem, self confidence and attractiveness. Whenever you get rejected for some reason, that is a opportunity or self improvement.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 Ways to getting over fear

Fear is YOUR imagination. It can be logical or illogical but it's sure that it is YOUR creation and you can have absolute control over it. Fear is never in active present. It is always about something happened in the past or something may happen in the future. Understand it is your friend, it gives you signal. If there is no fear then there is no difference between a mad man and you. You may jump from the 10th floor and die. So fear is necessary, but as soon as it gives you the signal it's duty is finished. Now your brain should stop giving the signals. But sometimes it goes on and on and on. Then it becomes problem.
So here are 5 quick ways to stop those signals.
  1. Suggestions: Tell your brain to stop giving the signals. Tell him quietly that now I understand the message and I'll take appropriate action to prevent the disasters. Your brain is like an obedient servant. It will listen. It will stop giving the signals and you will feel relax in few moments.
  2. Breath deeply: Sometimes fear is strong and you start trembling, so in that case breath deeply. Start by exhaling. Breathing has control over your brain. If you keep breathing deeply then you can not remain fearful. If still fear goes on then breath from your mouth for 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. Accept fear!: yes this is the quickest way from my experience. Don't do anything just accept and acknowledge that there is fear, and you don't know what to do in this situation. That's all. Fear remains as long as you fight with it, but it can not survive if you don't fight with it. Just go with the flow. If there is fear be fearful. Tremble and shake. And soon you will find that it can not increase after it reach to the peak. 
  4. Watch fear: Watching creates distance. If you totally accept then you become one with fear and it disappears but if you watch fear then you get detached with fear and it get vanished. As soon as you look within your mind for fear and start searching the hidden fear it simply vanish. Fear is like darkness. It can not face the light of watchfulness. Simply close your eyes and observe the feeling, thought and emotions which you call fear and see yourself what happens.
  5. Live in the present: Fear is about past or future. Stop worrying about the future or past. Past is over and future will bring it's own solutions. So enjoy the moment. If you enjoy every moment of life then there is no space for fear to exist. Make it a rule to live in the present. Whenever you start feeling uncomfortable, anxious or fearful, just come back to this moment. Feel your breathing, feel your body, listen to the sounds around you and you will instantly feel relaxed.
One more simple way to destroy the fear instantly:
Let us consider you have a spider phobia or any other fear,
Close your eyes, see the images which makes you feel fearful. Watch them as if you are watching a movie. After one minute make that images smaller and in your imagination place them at a distance, away from you. Them make them black and white, distort them and make them even smaller and smaller. Then run that fearful movie in backward direction very speedily, give that movie a background music of a cartoon movie. That's all. This will take only 3-5 minutes. And that particular fear will never give you any trouble.
Fear is imagination so you can change your imagination and make it funny.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to create good relationships

Relationships are becoming more and more difficult now days. In many relationships there is conflict and misunderstanding. Relationship problems have roots in egotism, domination, selfishness, cheating, jealousy, anger, fear, lust etc. The list is never ending.

Relationship problems begin with blame and complaints and ends with break ups and divorce. So to avoid these problems find the faults in your mindset. Many people have a tendency to complain over small things. And these small complaints latter convert into unstoppable conflicts between partners.

So, just ignore small things.

Doubt is another factor. If you doubt your partner than he will also start doubting you and it will go on and on. Many times these kind of doubts has zero evidence. So look if your doubt is a fact or just your imagination. Your partner coming home late night does not means he is cheating you, may be he was busy, tired or there was a traffic jam.

Not paying attention is also one reason. But the reason may be he is involved too much in his work or there is some financial tension or any official tension.

Whatever the problem is but never insult or use abusive language. This one rule may save your relationship. Use words very carefully. Trust your partner. Perhaps he needs your support. Misunderstanding will close all doors between you.

Never, never break communication. Just because you are angry or disturbed does not mean that you are right. Perhaps you are totally misunderstood the facts. So always remain calm and quite. In negative situations always try to remember happy moments with your partner. Those moments you spend happily together will certainly give you hope and trust.

If you meditate regularly and stay in the present moment then your mind will naturally remain calm and quite. You will see things more clearly and there will be no possibility of any conflict. For long term relationships a peaceful mind and a heart full of love are more than sufficient.

When there is love you don't need to forgive because you don't blame in the first place. Never argue with your partner. Arguments never solve anything. Let go and relax.

How to quit smoking easily

Smoking cigarette is an unconscious habit. You simply acting like a machine. You are smoking since years and this regular smoking creates a neurological path in your brain. Then whenever you feel stress you smoke. Now this sets an anchor in your brain. Stress triggers the anchor and you feel like you need to smoke. You feel lonely and the button is pressed, you need to smoke. Old friend meets and again an anchor is fired, you want to smoke. So this is vicious circle.

Your desire to quit smoke is always weak than the force of desire of smoke. So you quit smoking for few days or weeks and again return back. This is the tragedy. Second thing you don't know what to do if you stop smoking. So there is a void which needs to be filled and again you return back.

This happens again and again 100's of time and you stop quiting the cigarette.

Now there is another way, and this way is a sure way. Don't quit smoking. Just BE ALERT while you are smoking. Watch your mechanical behavior. Just how mechanically you act like a programmed machine. And this is very interesting. Till date you have smoked unconsciously, now smoke consciously. Drop the thought of quit smoking. Instead enjoy smoking and watch yourself with awareness.

What will happen if you watch consciously while you smoke?
It will break the habit!!!
Habit is a mechanical behavior, and it can not survive in the light of attention. You are never mindful or aware while you are smoking. You are never present. You are always escaping from the moment. But when you are watchful and alert, you are in the moment and the unconscious pattern is broken. If you smoke regularly with awareness then in few weeks you will notice your urge for smoking is fading away.Very soon you will become a smoke free person easily and effortlessly. This way you will never need any substitute for cigarette. And you will never turn back again to smoking.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How to stop loving you can't have

This is the simple reason to stop loving someone you can't have that you can't have them! Realize this. The sooner you realize this the better will be your life. Sometimes this happens. Someone walks with you for some time and you fall in love. But you both are mismatch. The attraction is momentary. But the person forgets you and you carry him in your mind. And if that person ignore you completely you feel hurt. Then what to do?

Remember there is always a better person available to you in the world. Do not waste time in regret and hatred. Instead make a list of qualities you want in your ideal lover. And Visualize that you are meeting him. He likes you and loves you. Visualization has tremendous power to manifest the results you desire.

Never hang around the person who ignore you because it will hurt your self image and self respect. Instead make a goal that you will find many options better than this one and move on. Universe is abundance. You will get many options for this one. Never carry the gifts, emails, photographs, text messages of the person who ignore you. Dump him completely and make a space for new.

Universe don't like empty space it will fill the void.