You are special, you are unique and you are different! Remember this, keep this always in the mind that you are a creation of life, you are creation of god. And that's the reason you are so special.
But most of us forget this and copy successful people or celebrates. Nature has made us unique and we try our best to become a copycat. Never become a copy cat or follower. This is the first rule to feel that you are special.
Do the things which you love and are passionate about. Don't bother about public opinions and criticism. There is no need to follow the rules of society. Go with your dream and your passion with love and universe will support you in strange ways.
If you step out of your comfort zone and dare to do things which normally people feel afraid to do then you will feel special and you will feel proud of yourself.
Affirmations and self suggestions works like a miracle. So always keep reminding yourself that you are special, you are genius, you are unique. You are the best. Remember what Buddha has said: What you think, you become.
Keep away yourself from the rat race of common people, go inside, and find your dream. Find out what you really want to achieve and what exactly you want to become. Going after your vision is the short cut to become a special and unique man. Make a list of your skills, your unique abilities and improve them. Then every milestone in your journey will make you feel like you are special and unique.
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