Sunday, May 1, 2011

6 Ways to get over a breakup instantly

Every relationship has stages of growth and ending. You can not stop it. It is a natural process. Remain alert, in what phase you are moving through in the present moment and plan for the future. Once a person lost interest in you, you can not hold him/her for long time. It will only increase complications. You should realize a breakup at least 6 months before it happen and be prepare for it.
In fact I realize a breakup the moment I make a new relation. Because it is bound to die some day. And I'm prepared from the very first day. Every human being is selfish and cunning. Somebody is going to dump you for no reason at all or they may find a better option than you and you will get dumped. Nothing is wrong.
  1. Realize the end: As soon as there is a break up you don't have time to worry and crying. It is a wrong track. Realize breakup is like a death and there is no way back. The more quickly you realize this more quickly you are OUT! Many people waste years in crying and worrying and analyzing about want went wrong.
  2. Move on!: There are millions of options out there. There are beautiful, attractive, intelligent, creative, wealthy and all types of people available out there.
  3. What you learned?: Instead of endless worry and analysis just ask yourself what you learned from the previous relationship. Take the lesson and forget the person or at least forgive the person. Forgiveness is very important. Never waste your time in revengeful thoughts. It may harm yourself. Use that time to get new friends.
  4. Have endless options!: If you have 10 friends you will never worry if 1 friend breakup friendship with you. So always make new friends. Never focus on only one friend. Keep finding and making new friends. Have 100's of friends. Give little time to everyone instead of focusing only on one friend. If you have many friend then all of them will chase you to get your time. And you will never have any breakup. All the time you will be busy making new friends.
  5. Have a life: Have personal life, hobbies and a regular routine. If you exercise regularly then at least for half and hour your mind will get distract from bad feelings which may caused because of breakups. If you like reading, playing football, or traveling then this can distract you from negative emotions.
  6. Meditate: To become successful in any relationship you must learn to detach yourself from bad feelings, negative emotions, frustration, depression and emotional dependence. This is possible only through meditation. If you seat regularly for half and hour in meditation then 95% problems in your life will simply get dissolved. Believe me, if you want to become a successful seducer then you need meditation more than anything. Only meditation can help you to overcome breakups more easily and quickly.
Bonus Tip:
Keep improving you, make yourself better and better in every possible way. Your previous partners should feel jealous and realize their mistake for dumping you. Work on being popular, making more money, becoming more attractive. Exercise regularly, make six pack abs. Stay with current fashion. Make 100's of new friends. Become popular on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines (if not then at least on the internet!).
And the most important thing is: Stay Happy for no reason at all. Happiness SUCKS! It hurts when you feel happy and move on. Your partner will get irritate and angered, he/she will loose his/her mental balance if you live happily.

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