Friday, May 20, 2011

Dealing with depression

Dealing with depression is possible without medication. Yes, do not treat depression as a biological disorder. Find it's root cause. Why there is depression. The cause of the depression may be rejection or not getting what you want. There are lots of quick fixes for eliminating depression but once you know the root cause then it is more easier to deal with depression

Second thing change your mood. Go to movies or call your friends. It is natural to become introvert while you are depressed but go into the opposite direction. Meet people, go for the shopping, watch TV, go for long walk.

Depression simply means you lost hope. So restore hope. Remember, "This shall too pass". Find a way to restore hope.

It is lot more easier to avoid depression in the first place than to get depressed and then find a way out. So develop a lifestyle in which there is no possibility of depression. This kind of life style includes daily exercise, meditation and positive thinking.

Always guard your thoughts and see what they are creating. This is the best way to eliminate depression at the level of thought before it manifest into reality.

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