Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to reach any goal in 3 steps!

Achieving your goals is not much difficult if you have a burning desire, then half work is already done. Next you need to imagine and visualize your ideal goal as if it is already manifested in your life and third is to accept your goal when it comes true
  • Burning desire: A burning desire is like the dream of your heart, most cherished dream. Once you have a burning desire for a goal then you can do anything to achieve it. The burning desire keeps paddling you. Then you never get frustrated over small failures. The you can do thousands of experiments to achieve your goal without getting tired.
  • Visualization: As soon as a desire arise in your mind you can't believe that you can achieve this dream. Here comes the second tool and that is imagination or visualization. A picture is more stronger than any thought or affirmation. If you could imagine it you can certainly achieve it. This is the rule. Remember, if you could picture IT in your mind then you can have IT! As you start visualizing your goal in your mind your mind starts to believe in your goal. And belief in you goal helps you to achieve your goal. Like attracts like. Images in your mind works like a powerful magnet. If you are constantly focused on a goal then it must come true. Your thoughts and imagination has a magnetic power. Imagination will make a way where there is no way.
  • Accept your goal: When you imagine and visualize your goal then be alert for opportunities. Because Goals come to you as disguised opportunities. You should recognize them and accept them.
Some important tips to achieve your goals QUICKLY:
  • Make a goal book
  • Always write your goals: Written goals are messages to your unconscious mind
  • Cut pictures from magazines and paste in your goal book.
  • Make a slide show of your goals on your computer with positive affirmations and watch it at least 3 times in a week.
  • Imagine regularly as if you have achieve your goal
  • Always tell your mind you deserve your goals
  • Stay in the present, and enjoy every moment
  • Love, because hatred block you from abundance
  • Forgive so that you can release energy which your unconscious mind can use to attract your goals more quickly
  • Write down your negative beliefs which may block or slow down the speed of achieving your goals and covert them into positive statements and affirmations and keep them with you. Read them aloud everyday.

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